Announcements · Personal

One Of My Proudest Moments, Recognization.

Guess what?! Somebody over at the University of Washington has shared an article of mine on their news website! Yes, the University of Washington uses one of my article about Vinton Cerf. That is one of my proudest moment as I have just found out, this vindicated everything that I have been trying to do and that is to be credible enough to the point a university uses one of my articles to discuss something.

There have been some people shares my articles on social media and whatnot but never to have my article to be referred to something by as large as… Like a university or something!

Link to University of Washington’s news: Disability in higher ed: Haben Girma and disability activism at the UW

Search for Vinton Cerf then press that name, it’s linkable and it’s to JoshiesWorld’s article on Vinton Cerf!

Click Play Button To Watch! It has no audio, though as it is a screen record.

Thank you for sharing my article on Vinton Cerf on the news in University of Washington’s news, by doing that has given me an accomplishment that I am very proud of and that is to be somewhat recognized because I take my blogging/journalist very serious especially that I am Deaf and as well disabled so that is such accomplishment for me to have an article of mine being shared by such large level like a university.

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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